Saving Sight - SL Looks out for their own

Sometimes in these virtual worlds you meet people that become very, very important to you. People that become your best friends and your family. Shane, the owner / designer that is DeadPool Fashion, is that to me. He is friend and brother. This man has held me up more times than I can count, despite struggling with his own health issues. And it's not just me, he goes out of his way to help so many, and now it's time to give back. You see through all this Shane has been struggling with some serious health issues. Issues that would knock most of us on our asses and cause us to withdraw and shut down. Not Shane. He is a fighter and soon he will beat all this issues but in the meantime he needs our help.
You can read more details in Shane's own words here:
Currently there is a HUGE benefit event happening, with about 100 of the best names in SL fashion and design, all donating their items 100% for Shane. The list of designers is amazing! I am proud to say Macabre Beauty's own sponsors, Dark Passions - Koffin Nails, VerseEye, and Petite Mort are all participating. That absolutely warms my heart and makes me love our amazing sponsors even more.
You can take a peek at some of the store items on the event FaceBook page. Be sure to check the "Visitors Posts" to see some great blogs! And Flickr too!
So this weekend when you are out shopping the grid be sure to stop in Saving Sight. Seriously the brands participating is pretty rad! Look for Inhale Tattoo, Zombie Suicide, Heydra, Hollyweird, Chemical Princess, Delerium Style, The Little Bat, Manik Queen, Infinity, and that's just a few!
~ Event / Sponsor Items ~
The following items can all be found at the Saving Sight Fund Raiser event.
Dress: Petite Mort- Dust Wednesday Available in six colors!
Nails: Dark Passions Koffin Nails - Saving Sight - Limited Edition. Only available during the event.
Eyes: VerseEye - Saving Sight Event Exclusive
Shoes:.HW. Joliette - Heels
Ring: A*S Hope Ring
Poses: -:{LYRIC}:- Sophie Stands
~ Additional Items ~
Hair: + Lamb. Love - Variety/Ombre/Eccentric Available at this round of CR88
Skin: [MC] Dedra Peachy D-Cup Black Lip
Brows: ARISE Soft Brows
Tattoo: ARISE Depa Face tattoo
Skin: [MC] Dedra Peachy D-Cup Black Lip
Brows: ARISE Soft Brows
Tattoo: ARISE Depa Face tattoo
Piercing: POMPOSITY - Skull Nose Piercing (x1) - SEPTUM